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Llewellyn Mnguni | Jazz Dance Workshop

16. November 2022 | 12:0013:30

A feisty combination of contemporary dance and modern dance movements. This dance workshop is curated specifically for beginner dancers who are interested as well as the LGBTQIA+ community and POC people in Berlin. The focus is on body positivity, fitness and freedom of movement.
Another Jazz dance workshop will be offered on the 19th of November.
To register send an E-mail address to:
Tickets: 15 €
You will receive the information on where to send the money, once you register via E-Mail.
No cash payments allowed and bookings are made in advance.
The workshop will be held in English.
About Llewellyn:
Dancer and choreographer Llewellyn Mnguni, began training at the the age of 14, at the Mmabana Mmabatho Arts Council as a Latin American and Ballroom dance student and continued to compete on a professional level from 1999-2002. In 2003 they attended the National School of the Arts and thereafter obtained a Dance Teachers Diploma at the University of Cape Town School of Dance School in the year 2010.
Mnguni also joined the Mmabana Dance Company as a full time dance teacher and choreographer from 2007-2009. While completing their final year in high school (Grade 12) they performed and choreographed for the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown in 2006 for their work ‘Prozac’ and then the GIPCA Live Arts Festival under the directorship of Jay Pather in 2012. In 2010 they joined the Bovim Ballet company under the directorship of Sean Bovim. Mnguni has performed with the likes of Celeste Botha and Marlin Zoutman during their time as a company member of New World Dance Theatre.
They have collaborated with well acclaimed artists such as Ahmed Umar for “Tribute to Ali” an exhibition at the Format gallery in Oslo. They have performed the challenging roles of Odile in Swan Lake, Escamilio in Carmen and Myrtha in Giselle for Dada Masilo’s extensive Asian,European, Canadian and US during 2013-2017, Mnguni also collaborated with visual artist/LGBTI activist Zanele Muholi and Lerato Dumse for a series of exhibitions and site specific shows during the 2016 Oslo gay pride week.
Their dance teaching experience spans from teaching at dance companies, primary and high schools as well as workshops around South Africa and Europe. They continue to work as a multi faceted artist whereby they give talks and workshops that inspire and support the LGBTI universal community, as well as collaborating and inspiring upcoming dancers and artists.
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16. November 2022
12:00 – 13:30
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+4930 6805 0860
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Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32
Berlin, Berlin 12049 Deutschland
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